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Bentley Happen To Your Brand - Part 2 - NIKE FOAMPOSITE SHOES

Somebody grabbed up fonzworthbentley Nike Lebron How about fonzworth-bentley.

com Certainly better for your Google searches than say some long, easily misspelled domain name that doesn't reflect on your brand at all, like say, I don't know, cooloutrageous air jordan shoes for sale.comA proper title and meta-description tag makes up for a multitude of sins.

If I have to explain how and why you are in over your head already Nike Air Penny 5.You want an exclusive, private site for members only Great.

The thing is, it shouldn't show up on a Google search at all then should it It's akin to a big neon sign that says "Secret Hideout" NIKE FOAMPOSITE SHOES.No, if your goal is to have a website for marketing your brand, then it should be a marketing site.

The cheapest form of SEO is to have a site with as much information as possible about your brand that can be seen by everyone, not just members. The Google search spiders do not sign up for fan clubs.While it is important to be as loquacious as possible, and update your pages frequently I'm pretty sure not even Leonardo da Vinci, were he alive today, would require separate blogs for each of his interests. (Separate blogs for both science and technology, FB really) By spreading yourself too thin, you risk appearing to Google as either flighty or spammy, neither of which does wonders for your page rank.Oh, and if you ever find yourself convinced that it's a good idea to have a audio roll-over that is not only triggered when you mouse over the header at the top of the page, but goes off every time the mouse leaves the top of the browser window even if you've scrolled to the bottom of the page, please bang your head repeatedly into your keyboard (or BlackBerry) until you come to your senses.IN CONCLUSIONThe greatest transgression I find here is that out of all the mistakes, (be they obvious or simply uninformed) the most inexcusable error is that someone working for Fonzworth Bentley, (or dare I say, the man himself) did not notice and fix any of this. Who doesn't Google their own name nowadays Especially people as dedicated to the concept of upward celeb-mobility as it appears Fonzworth is I know none of these criticisms paint Fonzworth's online brand in a flattering light, which might cause some to think I'm just 'hatin' on the guy. However to contradict that impression I need only to quote Fonzworth himself from his Seattle Times interview (one of the links on his Wikipedia page that actually does work,) "..

